There are 4 standard audio modes to choose from in the SoundSend controller APP: DIRECT - For audio purists. This setting will send the same format and number of channels to the speakers as the SoundSend receives. This means if you have a 2 channel audio coming out of your TV to the SoundSend, only your speakers will play audio. But if you have Dolby Digital 5.1 coming out of your TV, all your channels will be filled with beautiful surround sound. MOVIE - This setting will ensure that whatever you are watching, all your speakers will be firing, even if the stream or DVD is sending 2 channel stereo. The SoundSend converts and attempts to create a surround sound environment for your viewing pleasure if there are not enough channels natively in the signal. MUSIC - This does the same as the Movie setting with some small tweaks to give you that concert feel. NIGHT - This processes audio much like Movie or Music, but will attempt to limit bass and some of the rumbling that can keep up your neighbors or kids. The choice is up to you though.